What’s Your Season?

What’s Your Season?

My season is which ever one I’m in! What’s your season? I answer that question in a literal sense as the seasons fall, winter, spring, & summer come and go and I experience them as “mother nature” pleases. I live in the season of the moment...
Honey, I did it…. again!

Honey, I did it…. again!

Yep. It’s been “A DAY” to say the least. I started this glorious morning with the hopes of a hallmark day for this mommy. You know the one… it starts with snuggling on the couch, a relaxing stroll in nature as the blue birds sing, perfectly...
Help Me!…. Survival Kit DIY

Help Me!…. Survival Kit DIY

A “to-do” list an arm long with kids in tow is enough to challenge any parent. An “enjoyable” experience to say the least, read here, inspired me to create a DIY Survival Kit to simplify the hecticness of life. I hope this inspiration...
Well…yes…I’m THAT mom…

Well…yes…I’m THAT mom…

Dear Eye-Roller-Snear Face, Good mid-morning to ya! I hope you are having a delightful light lunch with your friend. I know I have been talking about this BIG EVENT outing for a day now….me and the “littles” anyway. My little herd and I like to call...
Lessons Learned…

Lessons Learned…

There I am….trying to learn “a thing or TWO” about farming! Can you say with me “patience is a virtue” ?! HA! I have learned that life often offers  wisdom  in unexpected ways. (I mention my journey to this beautiful family and farm life...
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