Watercolor Painting and Projects

Do you identify as being a watercolor artist? Several years ago I would have answered that question with a “No”, but a few years in and the more art projects I do the more I have fallen in love with this medium. Watercolor painting techniques will be taught here as well how to watercolor landscapes, abstract watercolor painting ideas, watercolor lettering and SO much more!

If you are a watercolor artist or an aspiring one this will be a wonderful place to gather inspiration and get guidance on the best watercolor paints, paper and brushes to use as well.

If you are an entrepreneur at heart or just like a little side hustle, I will guide you on how to list your watercolor art for sale and make your passion a business.

How to Make Easy DIY Pomander Balls

How to Make Easy DIY Pomander Balls

Pomander balls is a snazzy term for oranges decorated with cloves to add a nice touch to your seasonal decor as well as smelling delicious! You can decorate with pomander balls in a bowl or dish, as ornaments for the holidays, a garland and even as a beautiful...

15 Valentine’s Projects You Can Do Yourself

15 Valentine’s Projects You Can Do Yourself

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and it is always fun to decorate and give gifts to those you love and appreciate. I am always trying to find ways to share the thought of others with kind acts without over spending. These 15 Valentine's Day projects are...

The Process of Creating Watercolor Art

The Process of Creating Watercolor Art

You walk in the door from a day of busyness to be greeted by a hungry family, a house to pick up, homework to help with, animals to feed and the list continues. Life can offer a lot of stress at times! Art has always been an outlet for me. It takes me to a peaceful...

Simple Fall Embroidery Hoop Wreath

Simple Fall Embroidery Hoop Wreath

Fall is here and it is often the time to bring out the pumpkins, yummy crisp apple smelling candles and warm accents for decor. Who needs a Simple Fall Embroidery Hoop Wreath?  I have a simple farmhouse wreath you will love. It is simple to make, affordable and takes...

Up-cycled Watercolor Fall Tree Art

Up-cycled Watercolor Fall Tree Art

Fall is the season of changing leaves, beauty in nature all around us and ample opportunities to create lasting memories with family. Living on a farm encourages a life in the present. Many factors cause this from the responsibilities that our farm entails to the...

Kid’s Watercolor Art Transfer

Kid’s Watercolor Art Transfer

Have you ever considered creating art WITH your child? I love creating collaborative pieces with my little ones. Creating art together makes it that much more special. Today I am going to show you the basics for Kid's Watercolor Art Transfer.  *This post contains...

10 Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

10 Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is the perfect time to show you care and appreciate all your mom has and does for you. Often we think that spending a lot of money is needed for special occasions but that is not true. Gifts are from the heart, the thought really does matter and not...

10 Best Fall Art Projects for Kids

10 Best Fall Art Projects for Kids

If you have been following me for awhile you will know art is my heart and soul! To me art is an amazing tool to express oneself, connect to others and is extremely therapeutic. Art is absolutely essential to life! The changing of the seasons always inspires me to...

Watercolor Resist with Masking Fluid

Watercolor Resist with Masking Fluid

I love art. That is an understatement. Words can't express my love for art. Through my upcoming posts I will slowly reveal what is means to me. For now I can say my yearning to teach art is encouraging me to want to show others techniques for creating their own art....

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Simple Acres Blog
How to Make Easy DIY Pomander Balls
15 Valentine’s Projects You Can Do Yourself
The Process of Creating Watercolor Art
Simple Fall Embroidery Hoop Wreath
Up-cycled Watercolor Fall Tree Art
Kid’s Watercolor Art Transfer
10 Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day
10 Best Fall Art Projects for Kids
Watercolor Resist with Masking Fluid
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