Do you want to heal your life by finding more purpose? Whether it is a new year or day, finding ways to simplify life is always a good goal to have to change your life. Excessive busyness, overwhelm, stress, a life that feels out of order, a house in disarray-these are just a few things I am sure you can relate to experiencing. Do you want to simplify YOUR life so you can enjoy your life more fully? If you do then these 37 amazing tips to FINALLY simplify your life are for YOU!

I have spent the last 5 years trying to live a simpler life. Years of succeeding at times and failing at times. What is important to note when you want to change your life for the better towards simplicity is that simple living is not necessarily just living with less. Simple living is actually living with more! Let me explain.

simple living

What is Simple Living?

Per Wikipedia, simple living is a voluntary lifestyle choice that focuses on being content and satisfied with what one has rather than constantly wanting. Simple living often holds components of minimalism, self-sufficiency, work-life balance, frugality, reducing stress and being more present in life.

In my own words, simple living is about reducing the excess in life so you can savor and enjoy the parts of life that truly matter. It is about reducing the noise so you can be in-tuned to what REALLY matters. Simplifying life is about getting your priorities in order, self care and true PRESENCE to increase your quality of life.

  1. Organize your life. Organize can be as simple as clearing out the spam in your email to reduce time waste to literally making your entry way one you want to come home to. I have found getting my schedule in order, decluttering “time-sucks” from my day and making my literal environment less cluttered and more organized a great place to start.
  2. Clean up. This can be a daunting task that everyone has an opinion on. I have found just STARTING ANYWHERE and focusing on just that area THEN moving to the next a simpler and less overwhelming process.
  3. Declutter your life. We often think of decluttering our home which I have tips for ( here are 6 things to keep in mind before you declutter your home) but what about our MIND? Sometimes first we need to clear out the clutter we carry mentally day to day to feel we can take on the rest of life’s clutter. Once you clear you mind you can also take a wack at decluttering your schedule too.
  4. Create a routine. I love time blocking. It helps give yourself the control you need over your time and what you want out of your life. For me too many varied tasks, even if time blocked in a day, create anxiety. I personally do better allotting different days to different tasks with a few repetitive ones at set times daily. i.e. Monday I have meeting in my business and do content scheduling, Tuesdays and Thursdays I am in my studio, morning I do self care, check my emails, evenings I read and drink wine (lol)…you see where I am going with this anyways.
  5. Learn what to say YES to. Our YES should be aligned with our values and what we want to create our life to be. YES, I said we GET to CREATE the life we want! As a natural “pleaser” I have learned to think through things much longer before freely giving a YES for the wrong thing. A YES in error is inadvertently a NO to the things in life you want. Better yet-start with jotting down what you WANT in your life, business, motherhood ect – this will help direct your YES.
  6. Learn what to say NO to. Saying NO is a beautiful thing. Really this is all about having BOUNDARIES. I will come back to this at a later date and share more on all the tips and tool and wisdom I have gained through years learning and developing this.
  7. Create a budget. This is an area I am still learning SO please check out my good friends site at Family Finance Mom – she is an utter wiz in this area. FOLLOW HER AND DO WHAT SHE SAYS, That is all.
  8. Set bills to autopay. I just started doing this this year. It saves a TON of time, prevents late payments and makes life easier.
  9. Create an auto deposit for your savings. Anything is good but 10% of your income is a great start – heck even 5% then every time you get a raise put half of that in too (a wise financial advisor told me that one).
  10. Create a meal plan. Meal planning takes the thinking out of the day to day, gives you a plan to follow and with that plan you can prepare for the week. Sundays work great for getting everything for the week.
  11. Switch to grocery pick up. I love this! It saves time and money. I have done it at Fred Meyer and Walmart and they both were amazing. You can do it right from their app and even save your most used items for ordering next time.
  12. Use Amazon Pantry for non-perishables. Did you know you can put some of your common monthly needs on auto pilot? Yes you can. Definitely look into it! Time saver for sure!
  13. Delegate and outsource where it makes sense in your life. This may be help in your business, childcare, house cleaner- whatever will buy back some of your time and sanity can be a great investment. We just started getting childcare/housecleaning on Saturdays. We then use that day to spend quality time with each child doing something fun and end the day with a date night just my husband and I.
  14. Reduce TV time. Less TV means more time for more valuable activities in your life. More rest, more quality time with loved ones, a more efficient schedule or more time to read and learn are just a few benefits to less time wasted watching TV.
  15. Reduce social media time. This can be a time suck and a joy suck as you get caught up in all things not related to your life. Set a timer then move on to more meaningful things. BALANCE is key.
  16. Prioritize. Often we get discouraged because we thing everything is important but in reality we must choose the top 3 things we want to achieve in a day then be OK if the rest gets done another day. With setting priorities you then feel accomplishment instead of overwhelm.
  17. Simplify your time. Time block. Cut out distractions. Make time to do nothing and then also anything you want. Time is a precious commodity – treat it as such.
  18. Get a planner. Whether you love paper or digital- get all this information down somewhere to keep you on track. I use paper for some things and google calendar for my business.
  19. Slow down. Learn 10 way to slow down and enjoy life more. Take ME time. Take rest time. Take hobby time. Take NOTHING time. Take time to connect AND disconnect.
  20. Meditate or pray. This can be in many forms but it is good for you. JUST DO IT…..or don’t. It is up to you – those that do generally feel better.
  21. Change your mindset. The way we think and what we say to ourselves IS what we will ultimately do. We act out what we believe to be true. Find a coach, mentor, pastor, good friend and make a point to change and commit your mind towards the better.
  22. Ask for help. This is a hard one for many. I like to think of asking for help as a way to bring value to others. We all want to have purpose and impact in others lives in one way or another so why deny someone that when you need it?
  23. Reduce commitments. BUSY is not success. Overcommitment can actually reduce the value of the commitment in general. Take things back to a time when people gathered 1-1, had conversations uninterrupted by cell phone and NOISE.
  24. Schedule self care. ME time needs to be a PRIORITY you SCHEDULE if need be. If your cup is not full you can’t be who you want to be for others.
  25. Schedule slow down time. Whether it be a set time or day, pick a time to rest and stick to it. This may meaning turning off devices and wifi to achieve this. That is OK.
  26. Simplify your wardrobe. Less is more. If you have not worn something in 2 years give it to someone in need.
  27. Declutter your digital life. You can use services to un enroll you from spam emails, clean out your friends list, get out of groups you don’t utilize that add noise to the time you are on social media, reduce any negative accounts you might be following. Organize the apps on your phone.
  28. Do what you love. Is it art, singing, dancing, gardening or??? Do it regularly and schedule it. This brings balance and more peace into ones life.
  29. Be present.Being present means truly feeling the breeze as you go on a walk, noticing the new freckles on your child’s nose, the way your bed feels when you lay down at night. Connect in all the ways that help you experience life more richly.
  30. Minimalism. This can be truly reducing things but it can also be reducing commitments, stresses and any excess that takes from your joy.
  31. Live frugally. Live within your means. Most don’t do this but doing so simplifies life by reducing stress.
  32. Find contentment. If you can find joy and contentment where you are then what more that comes is just gravy. Contentment often stems from gratitude.
  33. Eat healthy. Fuel your body with foods your grandparents would have eaten. As a Registered Dietitian I could talk for ever on this but that thought is a simple one that truly will make a difference. They often ate less and more wholesome REAL food when they did eat. Start there and drink enough water.
  34. Exercise. 30 minutes daily is what is recommended just to stay well and prevent disease.
  35. Consider creating passive income. A course, digital product, a site that has ads, real estate – financial freedom does simplify life.
  36. Leave space in your life to just BE. To do NOTHING is a beautiful thing. How do you want to just BE and how often do you need this?
  37. Journal. This can be done in a notebook, through a blog or social platform. There are so many traditional and not traditional ways to journal and reflect on life. Bullet journaling is something I have been trying lately.

Well there you have it, 37 ways to Finally Simplify your Life. Dovidenia. XO

If you like this article you mat also enjoy my dear friends article that will help you get your house in order:

Best Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Organized


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