I Must Confess….

I Must Confess….

My name is Stefanie, I am a Dietitian who loves food. I love shopping for food, teaching others about food, creating food plans, getting paid to play with plastic food, I even like drawing & taking pictures of food…heck…I love eating food…but I...
Pinch Free St. Patty Day DIY

Pinch Free St. Patty Day DIY

I love, love, love green!!! I also hate getting pinched…..which was the inspiration behind this extremely simple earring DIY in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day. For this simple tutorial follow here. I came across the business who provides the tools and...
Eat the Rainbow!

Eat the Rainbow!

I’m sure you have all heard the phrase, “It’s important to eat your fruits & veggies” many times before. What we need to do to achieve this statement is to get excited by what we are consuming! Here is a quick list of what the different...
10 Minute Meal…maybe less

10 Minute Meal…maybe less

Sandwiches! These suckers are easy, quick & balanced! I love the idea of a meal that involves NO COOKING ( see why here) and is satisfying to my “herd”. Ingredients: can chicken light miracle whip apple dried cranberries celery sliced almond crossiant...
Get Healthy for Good!

Get Healthy for Good!

Who would like to achieve the healthiest version of YOU…..for good? As a registered dietitian I strive to help people do just that! I want to offer down to earth, honest & simplified tools that offer insight into the field of nutrition. I will equip you with...
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