Have you ever tried a new recipe unintentionally and then fell in love? This was me a few months ago. I visited a local coffee shop and on a whim figured I would try their Avocado Toast everyone had been raving about lately. Well the verdict is in, Avocado Toast is DIVINE and if you haven’t tried it yet, you should!
The very next day, I did not want to go without my new found love so off I went to the grocery store to get all the ingredients! Avocado Toast is so easy to make with just a few ingredients and less than 5 minutes you can make this healthy breakfast or snack!
“Isn’t avocado too high in fat?”, often people ask me this as a Registered Dietitian.
My answer to this common question is this:
Avocados are are great source of fat BUT a healthy one, chalked full of the type of fat that protects your heart! Avocados serve as a great food to encourage satiety too so you can eat less and feel full longer. That’s a win in my book! Do be careful you don’t eat several avocado a day as although its a healthy source of fat, fat carries a higher calorie level per gram thus its very calorie dense. Avocado is great for the person needing to gain weight or that thin child with a low food intake but is not ideal to eat in excess if you are trying to lose or maintain your weight.
The Avocado Toast recipe below is definitely appropriate to eat in both portions/slices as a small meal or snack.

Healthy Avocado Toast
A delicious and healthy breakfast that can be made in minutes.
- 8 oz ripe avocado peeled and pitted
- 2 tsp sea salt and pepper
- 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes may increase or decrease this based on your preferance
- 2 slices rustic sour dough bread each slice is palm size
Cut, peel and pit the avocado.
Mash avocado with a fork.
Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes and continue to mash.
Place 2 Tbsp of mixture on each slice of bread and enjoy! ~110 kcal, 3g protein, 5 g fat per serving