Life offers busyness in all seasons. Currently I have been in a place of transition with kiddos and life goals and have found myself overwhelmed! Do you ever find yourself feeling this way? I will be the first to admit that I am the most Unorganized-always-attempting-to-be organized person! As a mom, it seems more and more get added to our plate. I have NOT felt successful lately! Life Management Success is something important to me because if I can accomplish my responsibilities, goals and dreams in life is creates a healthier me AND family environment! Let me share a few things I am doing to improve my success in every day life.


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5 Ways to Manage your Stress in a Hectic Schedule:

1. Everything Has It’s Place. With kids in school, assignments to complete, lunches to pack, gym clothes to remember, records to keep, my sanity to find (ha)….and the list goes on and on…..stress levels can start to feel through the roof! I am finally starting to use all the (million) baskets I have hoarded through my years of being addicted to thrift shopping to good use. There truly can be a basket for everything! I use them for our keys (I am still working on this one…I have always wanted a key finding alarm!) I am also using cloth storage baskets at the entrance of each childs bedroom to hold their weeks worth of clothes. I admit the discipline to prepare their week of needs is a challenge at times but I have already found things flowing better in the mornings! When you can ACTUALLY find your things…it is GLORIOUS!

2. Nature Heals. This is my truth. Taking time to go on a reflective walk with NO agenda. Playing soccer outside with my oldest…even WATCHING my hard workin’ man do his thing in the field….just feels great to my body! I would also say my number one tool to maintain a sense of CALM is my Young Living Essential Oils! My most favorite and used oil is Peace and Calming! This blend with its tangerine and citrus aroma mixed with (just to name a few) Ylang Ylang (known for calming effects) is my life saver at times! When I feel stress coming and anxiety rising in my body this little oil has maintained my calm when I would have lost it! (I even used it with my little guy for his first day of school jitters! You know it’s awesome when even a 3 year asks for it!)

3. Follow a Menu Plan. As a Registered Dietitian, I understand and teach the value of planning your healthy lifestyle. For my family and I, this includes planning my meals for the week. When I fail to do this it adds a level of stress mixed with “hangry” that could throw off any family’s peaceful flow. Planning can be as simple as writing down or inputting your favorite dinners into your calendar on Sunday night to using a very affordable menu planning service such as Lilly’s Table, that does the work for you. Batch cooking is also a must. I have been just cooking up several pounds of meat on Sundays and freezing them into single dinner portions to make work and school week meals simpler to prepare.

4. Take Care of You. Rest, good nutrition and exercise are the foundation to optimal functioning. I have not perfected all of these areas (rest being my worst) but I am persistent toward improvement. Articles on weight management and finding your healthiest self may all be of interest to you. Oh, and I also forgot….ART…even if you aren’t an artist take some paint and throw it on some paper with a glass of red wine (my fav) and relaxing music and tell me how it feels. You can follow my art and night-owl-art-addict ways on instagram! (Hence the lack of sleep…ha…we can’t be perfect in everything!)








5. Write it Down. I may be “old school” but there is something to be said of reviewing and writing down your daily schedule, goals and reflections. When I write down what I would like to achieve in the day, I find myself less stressed and accomplishing the things I hope to. Here is a Daily Schedule Sheet that can be used to help simplify life and decrease stress. My plan is to reflect on my weeks “to-do’s” once a week and fill my schedule sheets out for each day. I’m confident I will be feeling less like a chicken with its head cut off and more like a chicken running around with its head ON because of this one! Try out these free printables and let me know if they help! Dovidenia. XO



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