Life has offered some great opportunities of learning lately! From what I like to call “country crossfit” or bucking hay… to “doctoring” calves and gardening (call me the master weeder)!

That cute lil guy was easy on me as one of my first “patients” for vaccinations. It was a little nerve wracking at first but once I learned the ropes (partially this is literal) it was so much fun! I look forward to being able to help the hubby when the new babies come next year!
We cannot forget the most important part of farming (only kidding here hehe)…..the outfit ensemble! Now I knew if I was to be taken serious in my “training” session I MUST LOOK THE PART! Ha! (Especially when I show up with my camera.) I noticed my farming “mentor” usually wore a light jean top with his jeans and boots…so n0t to my surprise I was a dressed “appropriately” when I showed up to be “schooled”. My twinsie even humored me with a picture!
There I am giving a shot while trying to avoid getting my hand broke… fun friends! Call me crazy…..and adventurous! Ha! I truly loved this…it was a beautiful morning on our family members farm. I loved watching this amazing couple of almost 40 years as they worked as a team ….it was effortless in the way they knew eachothers strengthes and weaknesses and were able to catch the calves with perfection. Their love beamed through this common farming task. It made me reflect and look forward to what farming and the future holds for me and my Hard Workin’ Man. The love, laughter and a few choice words (I’m guilty…those calves can be jumpy)!
The calm of the country, the learning, the loving, the raising of the kids “free-range”, four wheel rides on the property, imagination with my babies, creativity and reflecting on God’s goodness with my love under a starry night are just a few of the things that guide me through this new journey of simplicity.
I encourage you, whether you are a country- dweller, a city-dweller or even an inbetween-er, to grasp life’s moments and savor them, learn from them and truly LIVE them with all you got! Simple living is more than frugal living to me….it contentment, joy, and peace in the things that matter …..that make everything else not that big of deal.
It’s my heart that Simple Acres might offer a place of escape, inspiration, creativity and humor to lighten your life up and lead you toward YOUR SUCCESS. Here…success is happiness where you’re at, with what you got, with hope for dreams where sky is the limit! Dovidenia friends! XO