This post is sponsored by Vanguard but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
A week ago I got the opportunity to take a little “mom-vacay” to hit the road for some alone time in the car and a chance to connect with friends. My mind, body and spirit needed it more than I knew! The solitude, the moments of clarity and the true quality time with special people were more valuable than gold! Would you believe that for the value of $160 this was possible? You could carve out a way to have this little bit extra for something special too. I can’t wait to explain how! This is the result of how good investments can afford more quality time.
Now, this post will not be written from an investment guru at all but just from me a simple mom who got to experience the value of $160.
Let me explain:
According to recent data, if you hold $10,000 in cash, you could earn about $170 in a year, at the current average yields of money market mutual funds. In a bank savings account, you’d only make about $10.* So, with this said when invested better you could have an extra $160 in your pocket.
I am here to inspire and share the value of $160 through my fun get away experience.
It is always hard to get away as a mom and get the much needed quiet time that allows you to push the pause button internally. I made it happen though! I committed to a 48 hour trip just me, a cup of my favorite coffee and SILENCE. I drove for 6 hours in this time frame in the still of silence as I drove and worked out thoughts and just took in nature.
It was so rejuvenating although so simple! You might not think that a tank of gas and a quiet ride out of town to see dear friends would be so valuable BUT it was! No breaking breaking up fights, hearing screaming and trying to keep my cool. I just drove and enjoyed the scenery.
I got to finally meet a good friend of mine and colleague of over a year in person as we finally lived close enough to reach each other by car. It is neat when you meet someone you have chatted with sometimes daily in person and just feel the genuine friendship even more when finally in person. We joined other sweet friends and colleagues for a delicious lunch. I enjoyed an amazing sirloin along with great company and the relaxing ambiance of a rainy day.
It was perfect!
I got to walk around the town I was visiting with my friend, enjoys meals and late night chatter. Quality time is one of, if not THEE, most important things in life.
I took this post opportunity with a company called Vanguard as a challenge to truly feel the value of what $160 can be. It is easy to think that saving and investing is not important for those similar to me with a lot to learn but this getaway confirmed to me that when we make smart decisions with the money we earn it comes back to reward us in ways that not only increase quality time but quality of life!

This post is sponsored by Vanguard, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
*This illustration uses 1.69% average yield for money market mutual funds and 0.09% national average yield for bank savings, both as of 9/30/2018, according to and These rates are not guaranteed.
Vanguard is owned by its funds, which in turn are owned by their investors.
All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. Bank deposits are guaranteed (within limits) as to principal and interest by an agency of the federal government. There may be other material differences between products that should be considered before investing.
Thank you so much for spending your time and money to come see me! I feel blessed to have you in my life – and that trip was worth WAY MORE than $160 to me! XO
I agree….the memories and time is more valuable than any monetary value! XO