Creativity and art takes me to my HAPPY place every time! When I am creating, the only thing on my mind is making something unique and often appealing to MY eye, a statement and…well…NOTHING! Which as you get to know me…is A-MAZING as generally that simple state of mind for me is rare. I am generally thinking of a multitude of things at a time trying to juggle it all…like most of us…right?! The other part of my HAPPY place is when up-cycling (giving a purpose for something used or old and making it new again) meets that creativity! You don’t have to be an artist to find your creative side! Just the act of quieting the busyness, putting electronics away for a time and using your mind and hands to make ANYTHING can be so rewarding! So there you have it….another hopeful inspiration toward your HAPPY! Dovidenia. (Wink)