Reflection, Hope and Hot Cocoa are few of the things on my mind this time of year! Our year is coming to an end and my heart is full of reflecting on all the blessings we are so grateful for at Simple Acres! This year has brought so much growth as individuals, new farmers, parents and best-friends for 19 years! Will you reflect with me on all this year has brought?
Reflection is such a natural part of years end for me. There are always so many challenges life throws our way as humans….but if we look at all the ups and downs as lessons to learn and grow from it creates so much hope for whats to come in the New Year! I’d say I am a dreamer who believes anything is possible. This year has been a testament to that belief!
We are embarking 1 year of sharing our lives with you! I never would have imagined the reward I would get from blogging and sharing life…but it feels like a calling to me. I didn’t fully expect the amount of interest, readership following and friendships I would gain through this year….I am humbled, honored and excited with everyday.
To be honest friends…its a God thing…and it’s a YOU thing! You are one of the reasons this past year has been so fulfilling, exciting and full of hope and purpose for me!
​ I am thankful for all my family and friends, my new friends in the blogging world that I have never met but feel like at any moment we could join for coffee and feel like old friends, for health, for God and the gifts He gives, for learning, for a husband that never stops loving me even when it would be easy to at times and my beautiful children that keep me insane and sane at the same time! Oh and cheers to this year…I have never slept less nor drank more coffee and red wine!
We all have God given gifts and a purpose in this life! I encourage you to lean into that small voice, that passion, that dream or interest….you might just be surprised by what is in store when you do! Doing just that this year has inspired a new flow of hope in my life! Hope is also what this season is about. The end of the year brings Christmas time. Christmas is not about all the THINGS but (to be short and sweet)…it’s about JESUS! I believe what Jesus’ birth brought into this world was ,and still is, an answer and a source of hope for humanity that nothing on this earth can offer…and purely for that with nothing else…I feel joy! So I pray that you lean into a greater source of joy this coming year!
Hot Cocoa
On a lighter, but very important ha, note…I love cozy drinks this time of year whether it be cocoa, coffee or red wine. I love letting go of self discipline and just enjoying the traditions, the cookies, the yummy food. I love it all! Life is just too short to not love it and enjoy! I love the lights, the music, the love, the laughter and even the chaos of it all.The end of the year is a time to celebrate all that life offers! As the New Year approaches I pray we can grow in anticipation for what learning, loving and growing opportunities life has in store!
Thank you again friends for being a part of one of the best years of my life! Cheers to many more! Merry Christmas! XO
PS-I will be taking a few weeks off to spend time marinating in the memories being made with family! After the New Year I will be back in full swing and ready to share all kinds of NEW things Simple Acres will be doing and offering and I CAN NOT WAIT to tell you more….very soon!