I’m sure you have all heard the phrase, “It’s important to eat your fruits & veggies” many times before. What we need to do to achieve this statement is to get excited by what we are consuming! Here is a quick list of what the different colors of our produce can do for our bodies and health:
1. Red/Pink: A great source of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that may help fight heart disease and some cancers such as prostate cancer.
2. Orange & Yellow: A great source of betacarotene & vitamins that can enhance your immune system, help maintain good eyesight and reduce the risk of cancer.
3. Green: Contains an array of vitamins & minerals, chlorophyll and carotenoids that may help prevent cancer, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and protect your eyes.
4. Blue & Purple: Rich in flavonoids, phytochemicals and antioxidants that may protect the body from cancer, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
Cheers to eating more colorful foods!…..Now where can I put my red wine in this beautiful rainbow?….Keep in touch, there will be a post on that soon enough! Dovidenia. (wink)
P.S. Click here for a quick recipe.