Some lessons I have learned from My Hard Workin’ Man…
1. Actions speak louder than words. Words are empty without the actions to back them…something I strive to grow in more and more.
2. Hard work IS love. This is one I didn’t believe or accept for a long time but watching my man single handedly fence in the entire 10 and 1/2 acres and build our dreams while spoiling me with all my “wants” and “likes” has convinced me of this! Hard work shows passion, determination and drive.
3. We are not in control. As a recovering control freak…this recurring reality offers me comfort and encouragement. It reminds me to “Let go & let God” as my grandma would say.
4. Slow down. Self care and being the best person we can be calls for self awareness of our limits…and honoring those AND being ok with that! A lesson I am still in the process of learning.
5. Farmin’ doesn’t start at 9am! This is a humourous one as I was quite “caught a back” by this claimed reality my sweetheart so kindly informed me of (the night owl I am).
6. If you aren’t 5 min early, you are late. With these standards I. AM. ALWAYS.LATE….I have three kids…come on now, cut a girl some slack! I like to live on “island time” as I learned its called on my honeymoon to Hawaii ages ago! Ha!
7. One day at a time. Striving to live in the moment has been the most cherished lesson I have learned so far!
So….now I am LISTENING more to the messengers of my life, leaning into that small intuitive voice and learning more than ever before! I wonder what your life has been teaching you lately? (smiling)