This post brought to you by American Heart Association / American Stroke Association. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Simple Acres.

Let me start by saying… wait, what was I going to say?

Does anyone else feel they have “mom brain”? You know, the fog that makes you forget where your keys are and what you entered a room for momentarily. Do you have an interest in prevention of what I often joke is “early onset dementia”? All kidding aside, there are 5 habits that promote long term health and can keep your brain functioning at its best, especially for the best Brain Health for YOU. I want to share as a mom and a Registered Dietitian what you can do to promote the best life possible, now, and in the future! 

AHA Long term health

Often in our youth we feel invincible. We feel as though nothing will affect us, THEN thirty knocks on your door!

Hello! The phrase, “Beauty Sleep” starts making sense as you become sleep deprived through motherhood and notice fine lines. I can say for the first time in my life I can sense that this body of mine isn’t going to stay AMAZING and healthy if I don’t do things to keep it that way TODAY!

A few organs that are essential to your well-being, your heart and MIND need some tender lovin’ care. Without health in these we are “up a creek without a paddle”. The great news is the 5 habits to promote long term health I have to share will help you maintain health in both.  These habits include Life’s Simple 7, full of health habits and measurements to monitor and improve your life. Science has shown that people who don’t take care of themselves in their 20’s and 30’s, actually see changes in their brain in their 40’s! For more on heart health also presented with the American Heart Association click here.

healthy eating omega 3

5 Habits to Promote Long-term Health

1. Eat healthier and make it a lifestyle“Healthier” is key. Often we feel we have to revamp our diet overnight resulting in unfortunate failure. Making “better” choices is a great start. Often picking small goals over time achieves the best results because you create habits that become the healthy living and lifestyle you are trying to live long term. Starting your day with a healthy antioxidant rich smoothie is a great way to start your day. 

health juice

A diet rich in antioxidants is wonderful for fighting free radicals and reducing oxidative stress which is a common factor in disease prevention. Omega 3 rich foods such as salmon, avocado and walnuts are wonderful for the heart and brain.  


2. Increase your activity. It doesn’t matter if it’s running bleachers or chasing your wild children. Getting regular activity has shown to not only prevent diseases and promote heart health, but it also helps prevent mental decline! Friends, your neurons in your brain actually benefit from exercise! Thirty minutes of activity most days is all that is needed to promote health.

3. Avoid tobacco. If you don’t use this product don’t do it! Tobacco acts as a vasoconstrictor. This means when you smoke it restricts blood flow and oxygen to your organs. Chronic use of tobacco is linked to the risk of heart attack and stroke. If you need help quitting reach out to your doctor.

4. Maintain a healthy weight for you. Even a 10% weight loss that you maintain can reduce your risks for disease immensely. If your BMI is greater than 25, 90 minutes most days of activity is needed to lose weight. ( Consult with your Doctor and receive a release before you start a new exercise program. ) If you feel you need one-on-one customized coaching I am an Adult Weight Management Certified Dietitian that can help. Contact me here for more details and help.

5. Keep your levels in check. Monitor and control your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. As a Dietitian, I can say that healthy eating, exercise and getting adequate sleep will make a strong impact on these factors. For an introduction to nutrition follow my video series here. 

nature life

We only have one life and one brain! Did you know that what you do NOW can make a difference for your health in the future? For instance, research has shown that by making simple lifestyle changes now your stroke risk alone can be decreased by 80%.

Life is short and so sweet full of loved ones to cherish and memories to be made. Are you willing to make the lifestyle changes NOW that will promote long-term health?

family time

Let’s live in the moment with choices that help us to live for a tomorrow full of quality living for years to come! Dovidenia. Xo 


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